Nicole Tueni

Nicole Tueni, Ph.D.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Kontinuumsmechanik (Schwerpunkt Biomechanik) (LKM, Prof. Budday)

Room: Raum E4-06
Dr.-Mack-Straße 81
90762 Fürth

Short Bio

Nicole Tueni, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Continuum Mechanics and Biomechanics (LKM), started her academic journey with Mechanical Engineering studies at the Institut National de Sciences Appliquées in Lyon, France. She completed her Master’s degree in Biomechanical Engineering at Université Paris-Saclay and pursued a PhD on the “Multiscale investigation of the structure-property relationships in the myocardium” under the guidance of Prof. Jean-Marc Allain and Prof. Martin Genet at Ecole Polytechnique. After her PhD, she worked for a year in the Orthopedic Surgery department at UIHealth in Chicago, USA. Her current research focuses on computer modeling and simulations of the brain, particularly in areas such as full-scale brain models, tumor growth, and brain damage.

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